Monday, March 24, 2008

Kanye Visits

Kanye filmed his recent video at Egg Studios. I unfortunately wasnt there to witness the actual event, but onlookers reported that "some hair was caught on fire" and "some drapery billowed dramatically". I was delighted enough to be present during the pre-party; I was happily eating pizza when Kanye marched up to our fest, wearing a fine fur, and kindly said, "hey, nice to meet you." There was a smoke machine involved, enough said.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Site out of Beta...

We launched the full website last night for Egg Studios. Check of the magical panos and classy info in the hue of light gray. Come shoot, play, ogle at the ridiculous views, and enjoy some open space.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to the Nest.

Egg Studios launched last night with a hefty supply of fine TJ's Wine, some olivey, cheesy morsels, and a fine assortment of peoples. These two pictures fully represent the evening-- the splendor of yellow colored foods, and individuals looking drunk/like they just heard a loud sound/like they are being emotionally changed by the lunar eclipse/like they are LOVING egg studios and the Kanye West approved view of Manhattan. (Not sure if he approved, but he did visit the studio in a George Clintony fur jacket , and I think there might have been some wispy sheets and fire

Thanks to everyone who came last night. Check the blog for studio stories and interviews from shoots. And gear up your anti-veganism for a future fiesta installment.

Please post/send photos from the party to add to the blog. Awesome, onward march!